LILY the Mountain Dog


Bernese Mountain Dog


Lily is a 10 year old Bernese mountain dog. Lily’s main features are her black, white and tan coloured coat, the white and tan markings on lily’s face and also her hairy feet that reminded me of the Grinch.  Lily has a very hipster owner who loves putting hats on her. Lily loves swimming, playing dress ups and absolutely adores hugs. Lily is a loving, friendly dog who loves meeting new people.

Lily was photographed at Fremantle. This location has lots of graffiti, alleyways and posters all over brick walls. This location suited Lily because Fremantle is a very hipster area. Her owner would be described as a typical hipster and I wanted to find a location that would show that side of her way of life.  

I can't wait to show you some more shoots I have just photographed and I am going to upload them in a few days. So can't wait to share them with you :)


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