Mercedes the Italian Greyhound

MERCEDES KELLY Italian Greyhound Mercedes Kelly Mercedes is a 1 year old Italian Greyhound. She has a very timid and frightened temperament. Mercedes doesn’t like other people or dogs. Sometimes she thinks she is a cat, by chasing cats, sitting on laps, jumping up on high surfaces and staying close to her owner. Mercedes main features are her height she is around 30 cm in height, her long neck and the light brown almost grey colouring of her coat. Mercedes loves to run and jump. She can jump up extremely high for a small dog. Mercedes was photographed at an old abandoned road in City Beach. This road used to be one of the main roads that lead to the beach. Plants and scrubs surrounded this road. This location suits Mercedes as she had to be photographed in an area that there wouldn’t be any people or any animals as she is afraid of them. This location allowed Mercedes to be her energetic s...